Patient Today, Plaintiff Tomorrow

If you are an events planner, HR Director, or other person charged with developing training programs, please let us show you how one of the programs outlined below would benefit your organization.

Simply stated, we at Accurate Verdicts believe that the best way to avoid litigation is to train employees how to effectively communicate. The statistics don’t lie: 40% of all medical malpractice claims have some element of poor communication listed as a factor as to why they sued. When communication is factor, the indemnity is 15% – 23% higher, and poor communication is listed consistently in the top 5 as reasons for patient injury. There is a direct relationship between poor communication and your bottom line.

Given the importance of communication, Dr. Ruffin offers a variety of training programs that specifically target these skills.

These training programs go far beyond the basics of cordial introductions, a firm handshake, and making good eye contact. Rather, every corporation, firm, physicians group, or organization will be provided essential communication tools that can be easily learned and immediately practiced.

Training topics are specifically tailored to a keynote speech, or a four to eight hour training program, with written materials provided for further development and understanding. Each topic is customized to your specific organizational need and may be accredited for CE/CPE/CLE hours.

Topics Included

  • Effective Communication Strategies
  • Patient Today, Plaintiff Tomorrow
  • Understanding Baselines of Behavior
  • How to Build Rapport with Clients, Employees, Patients, and Juries
  • Understanding Verbal and Non-Verbal Behaviors
  • Identifying Stress using Verbal and Non-Verbal Behavior Clues
  • Effective Communication Skills for Presenters
  • Interviewing Techniques using the Advanced Analytical Model
  • The Art of Persuasion
  • How to Catch a Liar
  • High Stakes Negotiations

Course Description

“Patient Today, Plaintiff Tomorrow” is an exciting new training program offered by Dr. James Ruffin. The course targets specific skills needed by healthcare staff, to not only investigate and manage claims, but to do so in a way that builds trust and rapport, and hopefully, avoid costly litigation. If you are directly involved in the claims process, or serving as a member of the management team, this course will benefit you by showing you how effective communication can help avoid costly litigation. Research is clear, the better the relationship between the healthcare organization and the patient, the less likely they are to sue following an adverse event.Meeting with Clients Resized

Ask yourself these questions:

  • How do I, as a Risk Manager, communicate with the patient, the patients family, the nursing staff, the physician, the claims review committee, counsel, and external insurance carriers effectively, given each has their own self interest?
  • How do I, as a nursing supervisor, investigate an adverse event?
  • As counsel, how can I best investigate the claim from a legal perspective, yet not become a barrier to settlement due to disclosure concerns?
  • How can we increase customer satisfaction scores?

This course seeks to change the current healthcare environment where communication is often viewed as secondary to clinical findings and legal maneuvering. Although effective communication is often considered a “soft science”, the techniques taught during the course apply to all areas, virtually anyone who has direct customer contact.

“Patient Today, Plaintiff Tomorrow” has been approved for a total of 8 contact hours of Continuing Education Credit towards fulfillment of the requirements of ASHRM designations of FASHRM (Fellow) and DFASHRM (Distinguished Fellow) and towards CPHRM renewal.

The course has also been approved for 7.5 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) by the Texas State Bar, Office of Minimum Continuing Legal Education. CLE may be awarded in other states, depending on applicable state law.

For specific information about Learning Objectives and Course Outline, please contact